Empowering teachers & students for a brighter future

Easing the financial demands on educators so they can better serve their special education students.

FUELS serves as a resource for Florida educators with students who are being considered for or are already in the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program.  Our educators are in desperate need of resources to meet the demands placed on them for their ESE students (both being considered for and already staffed) and their individualized learning plans. Often these resources are in short supply or only provided if a teacher can fund them themselves. Those that can’t afford to dip into their own pockets go without.

Our mission is to alleviate this financial burden, so educators can focus on what is most important: meeting the needs of their most vulnerable students.

Education Essentials

It might surprise you to learn that students with an Individualized Education plan (IEP) often need additional resources. For example, they might need to have classroom items labeled, charts made, or printed instructions. These seem simple enough, but this requires the use of essential educational supplies such as printer ink, printer paper, lamination devices and sheets, and velcro. Often in a school teachers are limited to a certain amount of these resources per month. Depending on how many exceptional education students are in their classroom, they may need to use their own funding to provide these basic essentials.

This is where we come in! We help provide the resources for essential education supplies with help from our community sponsors.

Sensory Support

We provide flexible seating options, assistive technology, noise canceling headphones, slant boards, color overlays, and a variety of sensory items (i.e. lighting, stimming support tools, bean bags, trampolines) to help teachers build the best possible education setting for each of their students.

Non-Standard Educational Support

Students can only do their best when their physical and safety needs are met first. Knowing this, we also help in providing the most basic of their life needs: clothing, shoes, and nutritional snacks.